Why wait for someone when you can help yourself?

Title of this blog post is the biggest lesson life has taught me. In my previous post I wrote about my hardships and struggles. Those were the times when I learnt this.

When I was in pain and desperately searching for a way to end all that, my so-called well wishers persuaded me to get married. They said I was being tortured in my parent’s house, if I marry someone and go to my husband’s home then all the torture would end. I believed them and also agreed to get married in that naive age of 15!

It was a dicey situation. I was not sure whether my life would get better after marriage. What if my life worsens? What was I going to do then? Again, search for someone to rescue me? NO!

For a few days after that I started looking at my past and realized that I didn’t have anyone to even console me when I was dragged through the misery. I was all alone in my struggle. It made me think that if I had the strength to endure such a pain then I surely have it in me to fight against it and make my life better. When I questioned myself whether I need someone to remove me from that hell and my mind shouted back that I don’t need anyone in future as well. It’s my struggle and I was the only person who could help myself. Why should I wait for someone?

I made up my mind that I won’t entrust my future in someone else’s hand. I decided to write my own fate and destiny smiled at me.
There would be challenging situations in life. If we don’t have the faith and confidence in ourselves then we are sure to fall prey in the hands of circumstances. But before that we should have the will power to stand-up for ourselves. Only then we can find a way to cope with it.

Don’t let situations control you. Pave your own way and come out victoriously.