What is LOVE?

I, too, have a tale of love, but rest assured, I won’t burden you with its details. Oh no, far from it! My love story is akin to a suspenseful thriller, yet it lacks a conventional climax. While I’m confident that delving into its narrative would captivate you, it would also leave you somewhat disheartened due to its unconventional resolution. Therefore, I’m sparing you from potential disappointment. Yes, you can express your gratitude, but perhaps at a more opportune moment. Presently, I’m here with a set of inquiries that have eluded satisfactory answers, along with sharing the conclusions my mind has drawn on these matters.

Why do people seem to hold onto bitterness after a breakup? I’ve tried to feel that way too, especially towards him, but it just doesn’t happen. When I tried to imagine resentment, my body reacted unexpectedly – beads of sweat, shivers, and uncontrollable tears. To my surprise, amidst it all, I found myself sincerely wishing him the best. This revelation came four years after he left, and even after over a decade, the ability to harbour hatred remains elusive to me.

I’ve come to realize that when you truly love someone, that love sticks around forever, hidden away in your mind. Even if you don’t acknowledge it, it’s there. Despite any bad experiences with ex-partners, the love and the feelings you had remain genuine and lasting.

In a chat with my sister about our past relationships, she started cursing her ex, leaving me surprised by my own reaction. I questioned, “How can you speak so negatively about him? I could never do that! I get that he wasn’t great or whatever, but you were the one who loved him! Is your judgment that flawed? Was your love for him really that shallow? Remember, you chose him in the first place. Can’t you respect that?” I might come off a bit preachy; everyone has the right to react as they wish. Here, I’m just sharing my perspective on things.

In the past ten years, many guys have opened up about their feelings for me. So, hey guys!! If you are reading this a heartfelt THANK YOU! I truly appreciate your respect and affection. It means a lot that you see me as worthy of your time and love. While I can’t mention everyone here, you know who you are, and I’m grateful for your consideration.

A dear friend who knows me inside out took the thoughtful step of proposing marriage. In our seven years of friendship, he meticulously considered the idea, believing I would be the ideal life partner. I politely declined it. Despite his proposal, our friendship remains strong, and I continue to confide in him. During one conversation, he remarked, “I’ve noticed you never check out men. Despite the abundance of smart and handsome individuals in the places we frequent, you never seem interested.” I responded, “That’s because my initial attraction often fades once I get to know someone. Looks hold little significance for me.”

A former colleague harboured strong feelings for me, earnestly seeking a commitment. I hesitate to label it love, as that distinction lies solely within his purview. While my sentiments didn’t align, I hold deep respect for his emotions. As I bid farewell to the job, he remarked, “I can’t imagine this office without you.” He swiftly found another job and moved out. Yet, a qualm arose when he questioned, “You’re single, so why not commit to me?” It’s crucial to clarify: a woman’s single status doesn’t mandate commitment to the next admirer. Mutual feelings are the foundation of any connection, period.

Being single has its own delights, and I’m savouring every bit of it. It’s not that I don’t yearn for a companion; I certainly do. However, I firmly believe that true companionship is reserved for someone I genuinely appreciate and feel a compelling connection with.

In the past ten years of being single, my affections have been quite selective, extending to just two men, the most recent being the latest. It saddens me that circumstances didn’t allow anything to blossom on both occasions. Nevertheless, these instances hold immense value for me. They offer a glimmer of hope, reminding me that I can still experience the fluttering of butterflies in my tummy, genuinely smile, blush in a man’s presence, and willingly go that extra mile. Knowing myself, genuine affection tends to stay forever, even if I attempt to stow it away in the recesses of my mind. I’m confident it will resurface the next time I encounter that person. Even if my sentiments aren’t reciprocated, they are precious to me, and I choose to honour and cherish them because they are mine. When I own something then it’s very precious to me and these feelings are my very own.

Love for someone holds a unique significance. Even if you’re no longer with the person you once loved, make an effort to honour the love you felt – not for them, but for your own well-being, so that you can keep yourself away from any negativity.

Love is a pure feeling. You can hate a person, but not what you felt for them.